Dark Choco Cookie


Sword of Darkness

Sword of Darkness


Strikes the ground with his great sword, inflicting chain lightning upon the enemies. Those unfortunate, affected by this dark lightning suffer from great damage and lowered DefenseDefense.


• Damage dealt: 247.0% (+1.9-2% DMG per level) • -20.0% DEF for 7.0 sec


Dark Choco





Release Date



• An irreplaceable role in guild battle and adventure boss battles

Voice Actor

  • Isaac Robinson-Smith
  • Choi Won-hyeong (최원형)
  • Suwabe Junichi (諏訪部順一)
  • Chen Jinyi (陳進益)
  • Apichat Samutkhiri (อภิชาติ สมุทคีรี)
  • Christian Reimer
  • Benjamin PENAMARIA

External Link

Soulstone Farming

Dark 7-24, 10-31
Master 3-25

Game Info

Dark Choco Cookie (Korean: 다크초코 쿠키, daku-choko kuki) is a former major antagonist of Cookie Run: Kingdom and an Epic Cookie available since launch. He is of the ChargeCharge type and his position is prioritized to the Front. He is the son of Dark Cacao Cookie and the former prince of the fallen Dark Cacao Kingdom. He plays a leading role in the Dark Mode Story, and a major role in the stories of Snow on the Black Wall and Citadel of the Frozen Cliff.

Game Description

Long ago, this Cookie stepped into the world of Darkness to become a hero, but fate had a different plan: Dark Choco Cookie was unfortunate enough to happen upon the forbidden Strawberry Jam Sword. As soon as the would-be hero grasped the weapon, the dark power of the MagicMagic sword took over. From that moment on, Dark Choco Cookie's life changed forever. Now, dark clouds and thunderstorms follow this ill-fated Cookie, feared by all. It is said that Dark Choco Cookie is still fighting against the MagicMagic sword's control.

Soulstone Description

This stone holds a piece of Dark Choco Cookie's soul. It's full of remorse.
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