Status Dictionary

Status Dictionary
All Status Information


Stun ImmunityStun ImmunityCannot be stunned.
Debuff ResistDebuff ResistIncrease Debuff Resist.
HP ShieldHP ShieldAbsorbs damage proportional to Max HP.
DMG ResistDMG ResistIncrease DMG Resist. (caps at 85%)
Stun ResistanceStun ResistanceReduces the duration of being Stunned.


OvercurrentOvercurrentOvercurrent is similar to Zap, but every tick of damage has a chance to Stun the target, and amplifies their Electricity ElementElectricity-type DMG taken.
FreezeFreezeTurned to ice. Cannot move, use regular or skill attacks, and skill Cooldown is paused. Receives damage after the duration.
SleepSleepPut to sleep. Cannot move, use regular or skill attacks, and skill Cooldown is paused. If the target resists this effect they will become Drowsy instead, eventually falling asleep once the resistance wears off.
ZapZapWhile Zapped, the unit takes Electricity ElementElectricity-type damage over time and cannot receive Status HP Shield HP Shields. Any HP Shields they have are dispelled upon receiving the debuff.